Egerton University Past Exams Question Papers

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Tohm 0381: Policy And Law In Hospitality Industry
Aged 331: Rural Sociology
Agen 371: Introduction To Agricultural Field Machines
Ansc 334: Biotechnology In Animal Nutrition
Anhe 311: Reproduction In Farm Animals
Anhe 201: Gross Anatomy
Agro 291: Statistics For Agriculture
Agro 291: Statistics For Agriculture
Bmgt 300: Organization Theory
Bfin 334: Banking Law And Practice
Wiem 222: Man And Wildlife.
Wiem 100:Introduction To Wildlife Enterprises And Management.
Wiem 100:Introduction To Wildlife Enterprises And Management.
Aged 0213:Educational Communication And Technology
Aged 0243: Group Dynamics
Aged 0321: Curriculum Development In Agriculture
Ment 538: Computer Aided Design And Manufacturing
Ensc 402: Water And Sanitation.
Ensc 400: Ecological Surveys And Techniques
Ensc 405: Climate Change And The Environment
Ensc 404: Occupational Health And Safety
Ensc 401: Management Of Arid And Semi-Arid Lands
Engl 212: Sociolinguistics
Litt 211: Theatre Arts
Engl 211: Introduction To Morphology And Syntax
Ass 202: Environmental Soil Physics
Chem 120 : Physical Chemistry
Edci 212:Health And Physical Education
Bust 1111: Introduction To Business Management
Edci 211:Curriculum Development