Pwani University Past Exams Question Papers

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Sph B203 : Modern Physics
Sph B303: Practical Physics I
Sph B202: Electricity And Magnetism Ii
Htm 304: French Ii
Eci B318: Preparation For Teaching And Learning Resource Project
Esn B202: Adapting Instructions,Collaboration And Transitional Services
Eps B205: Educational Psychology
All B204: Introduction To World Literature
Mcd B201 – Community Environmental Quality And Aesthetics
Aph 101: Introduction To Logic
Arm 201: Agriculture And Ent. Development
Bms 303: Database Design And Management
Ast 106/Kan B106 – Introduction To Animal Science
Kab B107-Agribusiness And Food Industries
Ece 202: Instructional Media
Sma 200: Calculus Ii
Ece 202: Instruction Al Media
Ece 202: Instructional Media
Arm 301: Ruminant Production
Kan 532: Non Ruminant Nutrition
Kanc 104: Non-Ruminant Production
Krm/Arm 309: Non-Ruminant Animal Production
Kan D211 – Ruminant Production
Kan C104: Non-Ruminant Production
Kan D211 Non-Ruminant Production
Arm 301: Ruminant Animal Production
Alt 101: Introduction To Literary Genres
Alt 101: Introduction To Literary Genres
Eps 103: Introduction To Psychology
Aps 101: Introduction To Psychology