The Presbyterian University Of East Africa Past Exams Question Papers

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Msu 333: Surgery Ii
Diploma In Clinical Medicine: Pediatric
Diploma In Clinical Medicine: Pediatric
Mgt 102/003: Principles And Practices Of Management
Mgt 102/003: Principles And Practices Of Management
Surgery Ii
Diploma In Clinical Medicine:Ophthalmology
Diploma In Clinical Medicine: Ear, Nose And Throat
General Surgery & Orthopaedic Surgery
Clinical Medicine
Ele 101: Semiconductor Electronics
Mis 110: Computer Programming
Mng 006: Elements Of Research Methods
Hit: Computer Science Iii
Cop 203 - Data Structures And Algorithms
Cop 103 Operating Systems
Cop 403 Ict And Society
Cop 402 Seminar In Advances In Computer
Cop 316 Cad Cam And Manufacturing Techniques Exam
Cop 015 Unix Exam
Cop 404 - Simulation And Modelling
Cop 317 Database Development, Administration And Maintenance
Cop 211 Distributed Systems
Cop 013 Management Information Systems
Cop 209: Advanced Database Systems
Cop 102: Computer Architecture
Cop 101: System Analysis And Design
Ucc 002: Introduction To Computers
Cop 008: Web Design
Pec 227: Physical And Psychomotor Activities In Ece