Past Examinations Question Papers in Kenya

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Bae 202: Development Economics
He/Os/Tt/Cr/01/5/A: Execute Perioperative Theatre Technical Services
He/Os/Tt/Cc/04/5/A: Provide First Aid Services And Cpr
He/Os/Tt/Cr/02/5: Prevent Nosocomial Infections
He/Os/Tt/Cr/03/5: Maintain Operation Theatre Instruments And Apparatus
He/Os/Tt/Cr/01/5/A: Execute Perioperative Safety Precautions
He/Os/Tt/Cc/01/5/A: Demonstrate Knowledge Of Human Anatomy And Physiology
He/Os/Tt/Cc/03/5/A: Demonstrate Knowledge Of Common Diseases
He/Os/Tt/Cc/05/5/A : Apply Medical Legal Ethics
Bota251: Introduction To Plant Pathology
Ecology And Plant Husbandry, 2914/203
Afs 2303: Instrumental Methods In Food Analysis
Afs 2307: Sugar And Confectionery Technology
Afs 2406: Industrial Transformation Of Cereals
Afs 2412: Fruits, Vegetables And Confectionery Technology
Afs 2431: Food Microbiology And Toxicology
Ahl 2304: Aboriculture
Ahl 2402: Remote Sensing And Geographical Information Systems
Ahl 2407: Social, Legal And Environmental Ethics
Ahl 2409: Green House And Nursery Business Management
Ahl 2410: Landscape Contracting And Management
Ahs 2216: Phytochemistry I
Ahs 2409: Landscape Design And Management
Alp 2311: Irrigation System Planning Design And Management
Alp 2313: Soil Survey
Alp 2404: Land Use Planning
Alp 2411: Land Evaluation Ii
Ame 2102: Introduction To Agribusiness Management
Ase 2505: Environmental Monitoring
Ase 2511: Agroforestry And Woodland Management