Chuka University Past Exams Question Papers

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Wiem 361: Tour Guiding Management
Wiem 371: Wildlife Policy And Legislation
Wiem 411: Public Relation In Wildlife Enterprise And Management
Wiem 414: Economics And Utilization Of Wildlife Resources (3.0 Cf)
Wiem 415: Engineering For Wildlife
Wiem 461: Human Resource Management
Agbm 451: Strategic Management
Agbm 415: Business Taxation
Agbm 412: Managerial Accounting Ii
Agbm 401: Risk Management
Agbm 342: Managerial Economics
Bota 271: Plant Physiology I
Bota 131: General Microbiology
Bota 121: Plant Anatomy And Morphology
Bota 111: Genetics
Bmed 235: Helminothology
Bmed 234: Virology
Bmed 233: Protozoology
Bmed 222: Microbial Physiology And Genetics
Bmed 111: Human Physiology
Bmed 110: Human Morphology And Developmental Anatomy
Bioc 309: Biochemistry Of Gene Expression
Bioc 307: Antibiotics
Bioc 305: Industrial Biochemistry
Bioc 209: Biochemistry Of Vitamins And Minerals
Bioc 203: Integrated Lab Techniques I
Bioc 00113: Basic Biochemistry
Acmp 383: Professional
Acmp 324: Object – Oriented Programming Using C++
Acmp 122: Programming Principles 1 (Java)