University Of Embu Past Exams Question Papers

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Aem 301: Research Methods And Communication
Aem 207: Biodiversity Use And Conservation
Aem 207: Biodiversity Use And Conservation
Aem 206: Environmental Policy And Law
Aem 206: Environmental Policy And Law
Cll 602: Semantics And Pragmatics.
Cll 601: Communication.
Cll 512: Psycholinguistics
Cll 507: Applied Linguistics
Cgv 102: Introduction To Political Economy
Ccs 010: Hiv /Aids
Ccs 002: Fundamentals Of Development And Its Applications.
Ccs 002: Fundamentals Of Development And Its Applications.
Ccs 001: Communication Skills
Bpsm 111: Human Resource Management
Bps 112: Managerial Accounting
Bps 109: Supply Chain Management Information Systems
Bps 108: Sourcing In Procurement And Supply
Bps 107: Procurement Management
Bps 106: Costing Principles And Practices
Bfi 110: Management Mathematics Ii
Bfi 109: Business Statistics I
Bfi 108: Principles Of Marketing
Csc 325: Management Information Systems.
Csc 324: User Centered Development And Evaluation.
Csc 323: Machine Learning
Csc 322: Network And Distributed Programming.
Csc 225: Computer Networks
Csc 224: Software Engineering
Csc 223: Operating Systems.