University Of Embu Past Exams Question Papers

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Hns 137: Community Health Nursing Ii.
Hns 135: Midwifery I.
Hns 133: Medical Biochemistry Ii.
Hns 132: Medical Physiology Iii.
Hns 131: Human Anatomy Iii.
Hns 127: Community Health Nursing I.
Hns 125: Medical-Surgical Nursing I
Hns 124: Health Assessment
Hns 123: Medical Biochemistry
Hns 122: Medical Physiology Ii.
Hns 122: Medical Physiology Ii.
Hns 121: Human Anatomy Ii
Hns 121: Human Anatomy Ii
Hns 112: Medical Physiology I
Hla 055: Introduction To Security Management.
Hla 053: Introduction To Sociology.
Hla 052: National Cohesion And Integration
Hns 228: Communication And Counseling.
Jpm 626: Molecular Biology In Bacteriology.
Jpm 621: Fundamentals Of Applied Molecular Biology.
Hsm 212: Domestic Violence
Hsm 125: Introductory To Criminal Law
Hsm 124: Research Methods
Hsm 123: Correctional Systems
Hsm 122: Indigenous And Modern Criminal Justice Systems
Hns Ill: Human Anatomy 1 Main.
Hns 425: Medical-Surgical Nursing V .
Hns 424: Sexual And Reproductfve Health .
Hns 337: Community Health Nursing Iv .
Hns 334: Gynaecology