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Crm 022: Communication And Professionalism
Sbt 502: Marine Littoral Plant Communities.
Sbt 204: Plant Ecology
Sbt 203: Plant Ecology
Sbt 102: Introductory Biochemistry And Genetics
Sbt 101: Survey Of The Plant Kingdom
Sbl 202: Laboratory Techniques
Dma 501: Marketing Management
Sbt 548: Applied Genetics
Sbt 547: Ecological And Behavioural Genetics
Sbt 546: Mutations
Sbt 543: Developmental Genetics
Sbt 542: Biochemical Genetics
Sbt 510: Eutrophication And Pollution
Sbt 509: Ecology Of Phytoplankton
Sbt 507: Environmental Degradation And Management.
Sbt 503: Plant Production Ecology
Sbt 502: Marine Littoral Plant Communities.
Sch 102: Organic Chemistry
Sch 103: Basic Physical Chemistry
Sch 204: Chemical Kinetics And Electronics
Sch 205: Group Theory And Its Chemical Applications
Sgp111: Natural Environment
Sgp 114: Fundamentals Of Natural Resource Management.
Sma 103: Calculus I
Sma 104: Calculus Ii
Sma 140: Introduction To Probability And Statistics
Ass 301: Application Of Remote Sensing & Gis In Land Use Management
Sma 104: Calculus Ii
Tct 102: Instructional Methods