Explain how the mammalian skin is adapted to its functions


Explain how the mammalian skin is adapted to its functions




it is made up of three layers

the outermost layer, comi?ed layer is made up of dead cells that prevent entry of microorganisms, prevent physical damage and dessication

granular layer made of living cells gives rise to corni?ed layer

malpighian layer is made up of actively dividing cells that give rise to new epidermal cells/granular layer it contains melanin that protects the body against ultra violet rays(radiations)


has several components

Has sweat gland which produce sweat through sweat pores on the skin and the sweat evaporates cooling the body by lowering body temperature. When it is cold, no sweat is produced, conserving water

sweat contains water, sodium chloride, uric acid and urea hence the skin acts as an excretory organ

Has hair. The hair stands erect to trap air when temperature is low to reduce loss/insulation. It lies ?at to allow heat loss when temperature is high.

Has nerve endings which are sensitive to stimuli such as heat, cold, pain, pressure and touch

Has subcutaneous fat/adipose fat that insulates the body against heat loss

Has arteries and capillaries (blood vessels) that supply food and oxygen and remove excretory products. Arterioles vasodilate when temperatures are high to lose heat by radiation, and convention. Arterioles constrict when temperatures are low to conserve heat i.e. reduce heat loss

Has sebaceous glands which secrete sebum, and antiseptic and water repellant that prevents drying and cracking the skin by making the skin supple
Mohaissack answered the question on October 5, 2017 at 14:14

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