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A strong household is founded on strong family values.Making reference to Mark Sigu's family in The River and the Source,Write an essay to justify the...


A strong household is founded on strong family values.Making reference to Mark Sigu's family in The River and the Source,Write an essay to justify the above.



In the River and the Source,Mark Sigu meets,woos and marries Elizabeth Awiti in the right and traditionally expected way.They start and develop a strong household that is ruled with strong values like love,respect and discipline among others .

Mark Sigu had devoted love of his wife and the affection of all his children.He did things that would never have crossed the mind of a full blooded African ma.He knew she was over- worked both at home and in school and in spite the house - help they had ,he throw a helping hand round the house-especially in taking the kids off the hands of his wife.

There is protection offered to family by the Sigus. When he realizes that promiscuity would ruin his marriage he so forcefully dumps the girl and asks for leave to go and bring his family back from Alour. He tells his mother off when the latter feels he is over protective to the wife.

The Sigus have installed a sense of handwork in the family.Mark keeps on studying to get promotions so that he can have his children live a decent life.Mark felt very lucky in his hard working children.Vera had seven unbeatable records in school,Becky was not doing so badly,Aoro had maintained a continuous lead in school and Tony followed suit.

Mark and Elizabeth were always concerned about the welfare of their children.Tony falls sick at night on the groin.The whole family is concerned .Elizabeth also falls sick in pregnancy.

Children in their growing up must be brought up with high level of discipline and they never spared them any time they misbehaved.When Tony and Aoro almost made their twin drown they were heavily punished. Aoro is suspended from school.He is denied food and asked to start fending for himself.
marto answered the question on October 6, 2017 at 07:00

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