marto answered the question on October 7, 2017 at 07:12
- Write each of the following sentences,adding an appropriate interjection in the blank space.(Solved)
Write each of the following sentences,adding an appropriate interjection in the blank space.
a)..................,that hurts!
b).....................,let's get going.
c)...................isn't that beautiful!
d)...............,sorry,for bumping into you.
I did not see you approach.
e).............so you knew all the time,didn't you?
f)..........,we managed to overcome that narrowly.
Date posted: October 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences correctly.(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences correctly.
a)Mathu lays down every afternoon at 3.30.
b)The discarded tire laid in the field for longer than a year.
c)No sooner had my mother laid down when the baby began to cry.
d)Now I lie me down to sleep
e) Milt lay his head on the pillow.
f)Dad had lain the tiles on the Kitchen floor.
Date posted: October 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- Fill in the blank spaces with the right form of the word in brackets.(Solved)
Fill in the blank spaces with the right form of the word in brackets.
a)Sylvia ................her third cup of cocoa.(drink)
b)Mary ...................across to Gull Island.(swim)
c)Allan ........ the bell with a tremendous stroke of the hammer.(ring)
d)The choir ....... the school's anthem. (sing)
e)The ruby ............. from sight.(sink)
f)The horse .............. as fast as it could.(run)
g)The ink had .............down the shirt front from the pocket.(run)
Date posted: October 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate word between the two provided in brackets.(Solved)
Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate word between the two provided in brackets.
i)Either they or I.........to go .(am/are)
ii)Not only you but also Jim ................mistaken.(/was)
iii)My friend and neighbor Piccolomino, .....................piano well.(play/plays)
iv)A coach and four horses ........rattling down the king's road.(was/were)
v)The hop,skip and jump................ no longer a common game even at track events.(is /are)
vi)Each man ,woman and child ..........received some sort of souvenir to take home.(has/have)
vii)Each actor,each crew member and each person connected with the production ..........presented with some sort of recognition for the play's success.(were/was)
viii)Every officer and ..................(was/were) there to answer to ..................(his their )name at roll call.
Date posted: October 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify five pairs of words that are pronounced the same way from the list provided.(Solved)
Identify five pairs of words that are pronounced the same way from the list provided.
team billed eight deem fair write ale
fame ate ail fare rite deam
Date posted: October 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- You have been selected to welcome the form ones to school and give them a talk.How would you ensure that your communication is effective.(Solved)
You have been selected to welcome the form ones to school and give them a talk.How would you ensure that your communication is effective.
Date posted: October 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- Why are proverbs important in speech delivery?(Solved)
Why are proverbs important in speech delivery?
Date posted: October 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give the homonym (word with the same pronunciation) to each of the following words.(Solved)
Give the homonym (word with the same pronunciation) to each of the following words.
packed pain pique rap right rote
please prey decent cereal cue gate
Date posted: October 7, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay on the relevance of title, The River and the source by Margaret Ogolla(Solved)
Write an essay on the relevance of title, The River and the source by Margaret Ogolla
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- You have been asked to narrate your favorite oral narrative.List the things you would do to ensure an effective meaningful performance.(Solved)
You have been asked to narrate your favorite oral narrative.List the things you would do to ensure an effective meaningful performance.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- You are the outgoing head girl and you have been asked to give a speech during your prize giving day.List five strategies you might employ...(Solved)
You are the outgoing head girl and you have been asked to give a speech during your prize giving day.List five strategies you might employ to ensure effective introduction of the speech.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- You have been invited to an interview for a job.What are some of the things you do before and on the day of the interview...(Solved)
You have been invited to an interview for a job.What are some of the things you do before and on the day of the interview in order to succeed?
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- Imagine that you are a reporter for your school magazine.The editor has asked you to interview the chairman of the board of Governors.(Solved)
i)What are some of the things you need to do in preparation for the interview?
ii)How would you dress for the interview?
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- In a conversation how does one know that it is their turn to speak.(Solved)
In a conversation how does one know that it is their turn to speak.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify the silent letters in the following words.(Solved)
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- Complete each of the following sentences by selecting the correct alternative from the words given at the end of each.(Solved)
Complete each of the following sentences by selecting the correct alternative from the words given at the end of each.
i)Our family will move to a new.......................next month.(site,cite)
ii)The ...................store in our town is well stocked.(stationery,stationary)
iii)Our ..................is to provide excellent services to our clients.(principal,principle)
iv)Neither the doctor nor the nurse......................arrived.(has,have)
v)Have you ...................permission from your parents?(sought,sort)
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.Do not change the meaning.(Solved)
Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.Do not change the meaning.
i)They rang the bell at 8.00 am.(Rewrite beginning:The bell was.............)
ii)The rain way very heavy.All the roads became flooded.(Rewrite as one sentence using 'so..........that')
iii)I will go if he asks me to.(Rewrite using 'unless')
iv)Catherine is brown.She is a university student...
She is nineteen.She is cheerful(Rewrite as one sentence without using conjunction or relative pronoun)
v)The fans were disappointed by the players
(Begin: The player..................)
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- You have been invited to speak to the youth in your area, what are some of the things that would show that your audience is...(Solved)
You have been invited to speak to the youth in your area, what are some of the things that would show that your audience is attentive.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- For each of the following words underline the stressed syllable so that it gives the meaning of the definition.(Solved)
For each of the following words underline the stressed syllable so that it gives the meaning of the definition.
ii)Rebel(A person who fights against an established government)
iii)Desert (to abandon)
iv)Progress(to advance)
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- In each sentences below,identify words that have the same pronunciation.(Solved)
i)I want to warn the one who won.
ii)The heir dried his air with hot hair from the drier.
iii)On the hill is a herb that could heel the cut on your heel.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)