State four similarities between the Christian and traditional African view on marriage.


State four similarities between the Christian and traditional African view on marriage.



In both marriage was for procreation.
In both marriage promotes the social status of those who are joined together.
In both marriage is a permanent union. Divorce is only allowed under very special circumstances.
In both marriage is sacred and is the divine will of God.
In both the husband is the head of the family.
In both sex outside marriage is illegal.
Men and women acquire the right to have sexual satisfaction and mutual love in marriage.
In both marriage is seen as binding two people in a unique relationship.
In both marriage is a communal affair involving family, friends and the community.
In both sex is considered a gift from God to be exercised in marriage and hence it is sacred.
In both, the husband and wife should respect/love each other.
In both, marriage gives a new status to those who enter and qualifies them for leadership roles.
In both, re-marriage is encouraged after the death of a spouse.
Mohaissack answered the question on October 7, 2017 at 08:42

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