Describe the incident in which Jesus calmed the storm. (Luke 8: 22 - 25).


Describe the incident in which Jesus calmed the storm. (Luke 8: 22 - 25).



1. Jesus got into a boat with his disciples.

2. He told them that they should go to the other side of the lake so they sent off.

3. As they sailed Jesus fell a sleep.

4. A storm of wind came down of the lake.

5. The boat was filled with water/they were in danger.

6. The disciples went and woke Jesus saying “master we are perishing”

7. Jesus got up, rebuked the wind/the raging water/waves

8. The storm subsided/ceased/there was calm

9. Jesus asked the disciples where their faith was

10. The disciples were afraid/they marveled.

11. The disciples wondered who Jesus was even the wind and water could obey him.
Mohaissack answered the question on October 7, 2017 at 09:15

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