Give four reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee (Luke 5: 12-6: 11)


Give four reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee (Luke 5: 12-6: 11)



i. Jesus touched a man with leprosy which was against the Jewish law

ii. He forgave sins which the Pharisees knew only god could do/healed the paralyzed man.

iii. He mixed/ate with the tax collectors who were known to be sinners

iv. Jesus made it clear to them that he had not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.

v. His disciples did not fast, like those of the John the Baptist which annoyed the Pharisees

vi. He challenged them to move from the old traditional orders to the new ones which he had brought

vii. The disciples of Jesus plucked and ate grains on the Sabbath day which was unlawful/he healed a man with a withered hand on a Sabbath
Mohaissack answered the question on October 7, 2017 at 09:48

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