State five ways in which Christians are able to identify those who possess the gifts of the holy spirit.


State five ways in which Christians are able to identify those who possess the gifts of the holy spirit.



i. By listening to their confession. They should confess Jesus as Lord.

ii. By analyzing the kind of teaching they profess. The teaching should be about Jesus Christ/Christian doctrine

iii. By examining their life so as to know whether they posses/show the fruit of Holy Spirit. (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self control, goodness, faithfulness/gentleness.)

iv. By observing their behavior. The behaviour should not contradict the teaching of Jesus Christ/ be role models

v. When the Christians notice the victorious life of such people over temptations/works of the flesh.

vi. If such persons do not use the gift of the Holy spirit for selfish gains/enrich themselves

vii. When such believers give glory to God/Jesus after serving performing miracles.
Mohaissack answered the question on October 7, 2017 at 10:43

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