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(a) Explain how each of the following factors affects the rate of photosynthesis: (i) Temperature (ii) Chlorophyll concentration (b) Describe the process of carbohydrates digestion inhuman beings.


(a) Explain how each of the following factors affects the rate of photosynthesis: (i) Temperature (ii) Chlorophyll concentration (b) Describe the process of carbohydrates digestion inhuman beings.



(a) (i) Temperature:-
-Reactions in photosynthesis
are catalysed by enzymes;
-At optimum temperature
photosynthesis proceeds
-Below optimum temperature
the rate of photosynthesis
decreases because enzymes
are in-activated by low
temperatures/Above optimum
temperatures the rate of
photosynthesis decreases
because enzymes are
destroyed or denatured;
(ii) Chlorophyll
-Chlorophyll traps energy
from light for photosynthesis;
-The higher the chlorophyll
concentration, the higher the
rate of photosynthesis; Acc
the converse.
b) In the mouth;
-Food is chewed; to increase
surface area for enzyme
activity; saliva (contain)
salivary amylase or ptyalin;
enzyme. Saliva (mixes with
food and provides an
alkaline; medium for the
action of amylase/ ptyalin;
-Salivary amylase/ptyalin acts
on starch or amylase to
maltose; In the duodenum;
-Food is mixed with bile; and
pancreatic juice/Bile provides
alkaline; medium for the
activity of duodenal enzymes;
and neutralizes acidic food/
chime from the stomach;
-Acc sodium Hydrogen
carbonate for bile.
-Rej sodium bicarbonate for
-Pancreatic juice contains
pancreatic amylase; which
converts starch to maltose;
-In the Ileum; Reject Ilium.
-Epithelial cells in the ileum
secrete succus entericus/
interstine juice; which contain
sucrose/invertase; enzyme
which acts on sucrose and
converts it to fructose and
-Lactose; which acts on
lactose and converts it to
galactose and glucose;
-Maltase; acts on maltose
and converts it to glucose;
alexis sadro answered the question on October 9, 2017 at 17:27

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