(a) State three effects of the
growth of Merowe city.
- Meiotic language developed
- New architectural
developments developed.
- Iron and other industries
developed.(Any 3xl=3marks)
(b) Explain six factors which
led to the growth of urban
centers in pre-colonial Africa.
(5 marks)
Trading activities led to
rise of convergent centers
which later developed
into towns.
Existence of local
industries led to the
population concentration
in places that later
developed into towns e.g.
mining emerged.
Existence of trade routes
which linked places led
to development of towns
as major cross roads.
Existence of admin/royal
centers developed into
urban centers example
Kumasi, Addis Ababa.
Development of centers
of learning/education
developed into urban
centers example
Development of
agriculture led to
availability of food which
in turn encouraged
people to establish
permanent settlements.
Existence of religious
centers e.g. Ife led to
development into urban
Places that were secure
attracted population
concentration later
developed into towns.
Development of ports and
harbours which were
used as calling stations
for replenishments
developed into urban
Places where water was
available developed into
urban centers. (Any
alexis sadro answered the question on October 9, 2017 at 18:03
- Explain six problems that have undermined the performance of National Philosophies in Kenya.(Solved)
Explain six problems that have undermined the performance of National Philosophies in Kenya.
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Identify one war method used in Europe during the First World War.
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