Explain six duties of the president of the United States of America (USA)


Explain six duties of the president of the United States of America (USA)



? He is the head of state, represents the country abroad and welcomes foreign dignities
? He is the chief executive, he executes laws and policies passed by congress
? The US president is the chief diplomat. He gives the congress information of international developments
? He is the chief legislator who initiates bills, appeals to legislators to support him. He can also veto powers to pass bills
? The president is commander in chief of the armed forces
? He is the head of the ruling party
? He appoints with approval of senate top officials in government
? The US president is the national voice of the people of U.S.A

1. He is the head of state and government.
2. To issue rules, regulations and instructions to the United State of America public.
3. To influence public opinion and guide the course of the Congress.
4. To formulate public policy.
5. To implement the United State of America laws.
6. To receive ambassadors accredited to the United State of America.
7. He appoints the cabinet, ambassadors and other senior civil servants.
8. He is the commander- in- chief of the armed forces.
9. To guide and control foreign policies with the approval of the congress.
10. To protect the american citizens and foreign nationals within the United State of America.
11. He is the spokesperson of the United State of America internally and externally.
john3 answered the question on October 9, 2017 at 18:24

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