Seven ways in which the church leaders are preparing in the society for the second coming of Jesus.


Seven ways in which the church leaders are preparing in the society for the second coming of Jesus.



? Encouraging people to pray and fast
? Urging people to repent their sins
? Encouraging people to forgive others
? Mediating those seeking reconciliation
? Spreading the good news / Gospel
? Encouraging members for participating in the sacramental life of the church
? Encouraging people to live exemplary lives ? Encouraging them to practice charity work
? Encouraging them to read the Bible.


Give ways in which church leaders are preparing people for the second
coming of Christ.

i) By preaching the good news.
ii) Living exemplary lives/ being role models.
iii) Helping the needy/ doing charitable work.
iv) Condemning evils in society.
v) Providing family life education.
vi) Sharing in the Lords supper.
vii) Encouraging people to repent / getting saved
viii) Providing guidance and canceling people eg prisoners.
ix) Organizing seminars / workshops/ crusades to encourage people to holy lives.
john3 answered the question on October 9, 2017 at 18:40

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