State the properties of X-rays


State the properties of X-rays



Properties of X-rays
- Travel in straight lines with the speed of light in air; 3.0x108m/s. When an opaque object like a bone is placed on the path of x-rays a sharp shadow of the object is formed on the screen.
- They carry no charge. Hence x-rays are not deflected by either magnetic fields or electric fields.
- Ionize air molecules on their paths by knocking off electrons in them.
- They cause certain substances and salts to fluoresce.
- They cause photographing emulsion, a property used in x-ray photography.
- They cause photoelectric effect when incident on the surface of some metals.
- They can readily penetrate matter. The degree of penetration depends on the density of the material and the quality of the x-rays.
- They obey the wave equation
- They undergo interference, reflection, refraction and diffraction effects.
chrispohmomanyi answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 04:24

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