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State seven instruction given by Paul on proper use of spiritual gifts 1 cor 14:26-33,39-40


State seven instruction given by Paul on proper use of spiritual gifts 1 cor 14:26-33,39-40



-The gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used for the common good of all

- They should be used to strengthen/encourage and comfort OTHERS

-They should be used to bring unity but not to discriminate/divide others.

- There is a need to respect/appreciate all gifts

- They should be used in an orderly way/no confusion

- The gifts should be used in love

- The gifts of speaking in tongues should be minimized in public/worship

- There is need to have interpretation of tongues for them to be meaningful/helpful

- Prophecies should be carefully evaluated


They should speak one after the other
Not more than two or three they should speak in tongues in a meeting
There should be an interpreter ;the person should explain the message to the people
If there is no an interpreter,the person should refrain from speaking in tongues or do it in privacy
Believers should listen and access what is being said
If another receives a revelation,he/she should be allowed to speak while others are listening
Everything must be done diligently and in an orderly manner for God likes order

isaacmuthini answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 05:59

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