a) Concept
Conflict can come in this phase with regards to why the project is actually required. Stakeholders may view the project as un-needed and potentially hostile and disruptive to the project team. The definition of the scope of the project may cause conflict as some stakeholders will want the project to achieve more than the what’s possible with the allocated funds. An example of this could be the residents near a planned train line extension being hostile with regards for why the line is taking the route proposed.
b) Definition
During this phase, conflict may come in the requirements gathering process. Users and Stakeholders will need to prioritise which of the requirements are most beneficial and with a project under fiscal constraints, some may be classified as “nice to have” and left out of the project. Conflict can be good at this stage, as it can often drive better decisions, provided it is controlled and managed. An example could be the local MP on the train line extension being consulted by the angry residents, and to overcome the negative sentiment, the project includes larger safety barriers.
c) Implementation
Conflict in this stage could come from the change control & risk management areas. Change requests are likely and risks will materialise which may cause conflict with existing requirements or impact the progress which has already been made. Justification of the change may be required for everyone to see the benefits of the change and to overcome the conflict, but this may lead to rework or other requirements being dropped, leading to further conflict. The requirement to continue delivering to budget and time, will be impacted and will have conflicting implications in this scenario. An example of this could be a request to change to overhead power cables on the train line extension, causing lots of rework.
d) Handover and Closeout
Handover and closeout – in this phase, conflict could come from the subjective acceptance of the completed project. If quality criteria have not been fully defined, there will be scope for differing interpretations of quality, leading to conflict. The transition to BAU, could also be a source of conflict with the functional dept. unwilling to take ownership, leading to conflict between the PM and the functional managers. An example of this could be the finished train line extension having too many defects for the train operators to run to a defined schedule.
e) All Phases
Personal conflict can and will occur during all phases. This will include conflict between the PM and Functional managers over resource usage in a matrix organisation. It could also include conflict between staff and the PM over the team members work priorities and differing day-to-day roles & responsibilities from the project demands. Conflict can also occur between team members for numerous reasons, and this will need to be controlled and managed to prevent the consequences of the conflict impacting on motivation, costs, moral and team performance.
lydiajane74 answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 11:28
- Discuss the tools and techniques that project managers can use to ensure knowledge and lessons learned from previous projects are not lost, and can be...(Solved)
Discuss the tools and techniques that project managers can use to ensure knowledge and lessons learned from previous projects are not lost, and can be shared for the benefit of future projects.
Date posted: October 10, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain, making four points, why it is important to conduct effective project closeout(Solved)
Explain, making four points, why it is important to conduct effective project closeout
Date posted: October 10, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain what is meant by the term project closeout(Solved)
Give a brief explanation of the meaning of project closeout and give the key elements.
Date posted: October 10, 2017. Answers (1)
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Differentiate between Limited liability Company and Private liability Company
Date posted: October 10, 2017. Answers (1)
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Discuss five reasons why radio is a popular medium of advertising goods and services for businesses in Kenya
Date posted: October 10, 2017. Answers (1)
- Outline five measures that can be taken by producers to protect consumers of their products from being exploited by traders.(Solved)
Outline five measures that can be taken by producers to protect consumers of their products from being exploited by traders.
Date posted: October 10, 2017. Answers (1)
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What are the main threats facing the large investment banks in the future?
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Explain the difference Mergers and Acquisitions
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
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Describe five technology and business trends that have enhanced the role of information systems in today’s competitive business environment.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
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Explain FIVE Money transfer facilities provided by Commercial Banks
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
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may accrue to her due to this specialization(Solved)
Kenya has been relying on Coffee as a key driver of her economy. Explain FIVE benefits that
may accrue to her due to this specialization
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain FIVE factors that limit the usage of Railway as a means of transport.(Solved)
Explain FIVE factors that limit the usage of Railway as a means of transport.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain SIX measures that the Government of Kenya may take to control her persistent Balance
payment deficit.(Solved)
Explain SIX measures that the Government of Kenya may take to control her persistent Balance
payment deficit.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- Outline FIVE challenges that Kenya faces when trying to implement her development plans.(Solved)
Outline FIVE challenges that Kenya faces when trying to implement her development plans.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- Kapa Oil manufacturers have decided to eliminate wholesalers in their chain of distribution.
Outline FIVE possible effects that would result if wholesalers were eliminated.(Solved)
Kapa Oil manufacturers have decided to eliminate wholesalers in their chain of distribution.
Outline FIVE possible effects that would result if wholesalers were eliminated.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- Highlight FIVE reasons as to why a high national income may not necessarily mean better
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Highlight FIVE reasons as to why a high national income may not necessarily mean better
welfare for the citizens of a country.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain FIVE methods of payments offered by commercial banks in Kenya.(Solved)
Explain FIVE methods of payments offered by commercial banks in Kenya.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain five factors that encourage entrepreneurial development in Kenya.(Solved)
Explain Five ways in which the government of Kenya can encourage entrepreneurial development.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe five types of unemployment.(Solved)
Describe five types of unemployment.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)