Describe the seven management practices that should be carried out on a vegetable nursery after sowing seeds until the seedlings are ready for transplanting.


Describe the seven management practices that should be carried out on a vegetable nursery after sowing seeds until the seedlings are ready for transplanting.



(i) Mulching to conserve moisture

(ii) Provide shade to minimize evapotranspiration

(i) Weed control to reduce competition with seedlings for nutrients, light, space, etc.

(ii) Pests and diseases control to ensure healthy and vigorously growing seedlings

(i) Pricking out/thinning to minimize competition for growth elements

(iii) Fertilizer application to supplement nutrients in the soil

(i) Watering to ensure adequate moisture supply

(ii) Hardening off/removing shade/reducing watering to climatize the seedling to conditions in the field.

(iii) Remove the mulch immediately seedlings emerge.
Mohaissack answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 14:07

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