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Describe the production of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) under the following sub-headings: (i) Varieties common in Kenya (ii) Selection and preparation of planting materials (iii) Planting and weeding


Describe the production of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) under the following sub-headings:
(i) Varieties common in Kenya
(ii) Selection and preparation of planting materials
(iii) Planting and weeding



(i) Varieties of dry beans that are common in Kenya are:

v Rose coco GLP2;

v Mwezi moja/GLP 1004;

v Canadian Wonder/GLP24;

v K74;

v Wairimu/Red haricot;

v Mexican 142;

v Mwitemania.
(ii) Selection and preparation of dry beans for planting should ensure the following:

v Select varieties suited to the local ecological conditions.

v Select dry, mature seeds.

v Select sound seeds that are free form physical damage and wrinkles.

v Dress seeds with appropriate chemicals to control soil borne pests and diseases/seeds should be dressed against soil borne pests diseases.

v Obtain seeds from a reputable source/certified seeds.

v Seeds should be inoculated with the right rhizobium.
(iii) Planting and weeding of dry planting should involve the following:

v Make shallow furrows/holes at a depth of 3-5cm using appropriate tool.

v Apply phosphatic fertilizer at a rate of 200Kg per hectare during planting/MAP, SSP/DSP/manual /DAP.

v Place 2-4 seeds per hole and cover it up with the soil/seed rate 50-60Kg

v Spacing is 30-50cm by 10 -15 cm depending on the variety.

v Shallow weeding is done to avoid root damage.

v Weeding should be avoided during flowering to prevent knocking off the flowers.

v Weeding should be done when the field is dry to avoid spread of diseases when conditions are wet.

v Keep the field weed free during the early stages of growth;

v Apply fertilizer at 300 Kg ssp/ha/150Kg
Mohaissack answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 14:44

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