Explain five achievements of commonwealth to its members.


Explain five achievements of commonwealth to its members.



- It has promoted partnership and cooperation among its members in the field of politics, social
and economic
through consult action.
- Its providing financial assistance to members.
- It supports Education training i.e Scholarships and grants.
- It has encouraged trade among member states
- It has promoted technical cooperation among member states through CFTC.
- It has enhanced social and cultural cooperation through common wealth games.
- It has promoted understanding and tolerance through free exchange of ideas.
- It has promoted democracy and good governance through parliamentary meetings i.e. sending
observers during
- It has provided forum for members to air their views.
- It has promoted respects and encourages trust and friendship among members.
- It has promoted youth programmes through CYP
monica20 answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 14:55

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