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Outline reasons why cleansing rituals were performed in Traditional African Societies


Outline reasons why cleansing rituals were performed in Traditional African Societies



- Were used to forgive wrong doers of their sins
- Were performed to protect individual community/ family against repercussions for the wrong done
- The ritual would help to maintaingood inter personal relationship/Cohesion in the community/Reconciliation of parties.
- For purification/acceptance of members who had been declared ritually unclean/or had broken taboos so that they could continue with their normal activities in the society e.g. after child birth those who had committed murder/adultery.
- To appease the ancestral spirits
- Cleansing rituals were part of rites of passage e.g. individuals had to go through ritual cleansing to signify that they had left their old self/selves and acquired different status .
- To send away evil spirits/forces
- To protect against calamities/problems/sickness/epidemics
- Cleansing rituals were performed to persuade the spirits of the dead not to linger around the homestead/causing misfortune to the family
john3 answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 19:09

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