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State the areas that brought conflicts between Jesus with the Jewish Religious Leaders during his Jerusalem Ministry


State the areas that brought conflicts between Jesus with the Jewish Religious Leaders during his Jerusalem Ministry



- The question about Jesus authority –Jesus taught daily in the temple with great authority and they wanted to know where He got his authority / Daily he taught in the temple and the people hung on his teachings
- Luke 20:1 – 8 - The parable of the wicked tenants – He used the parable of the wicked tenants to show how he would suffer in their hands to fulfill his Messianic mission and the leaders understood that he had used it against them/to attack them Luke 20:9 – 18 - Paying taxes/to Caesar – They wanted they to trap him by making him by making them say they should not pay tax to Caesar. Luke 20:19 – 26 - The question about the resurrection – The Sadducees wanted to put him in conflict with the Pharisees who believed in the resurrection by posing a complex question on the resurrection of the dead to him
- Luke 20:27 – 40 - The question about the Messiah – He challenged them to answer the Psalmist question on the Messiah which pointed to his divinity/Christ as the Messiah
- Luke 20:41 – 44 - Jesus warns against the teachers of law – He warned his disciples against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees
- Luke 20:45 – 47 - The widow?s offering – He praised the widow?s two coin offerings against their huge offerings hence made them feel bad
- Luke 21:1 – 4 - The popularity of Jesus brought him into conflict with Jewish religious leaders who were afraid of losing their own authority/ He was popular among the people - Jesus style of doing things e.g. cleansing the temple
john3 answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 19:13

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