Identify the social effect of colonial rule to the Africans in Kenya


Identify the social effect of colonial rule to the Africans in Kenya.



i)It led to the eroision of Africa cultures

ii) Led to the establishment of permanent European settlement as farmers trade

iii) European language were introduced in Kenya

iv) Migration by Africans came to an end

v) Missionary activities were intensified in Kenya


Explain the social effects of colonial rule on the Africans in Kenya

(i) The colonial government introduced Western Education, which undermined indigenous form Education

(ii) Hospitals were built and modern medicine introduced, these undermined traditional medicine practices

(iii) The introduction of Western health care improved standards of some Africans in Kenya

(iv) The introduction of Christianity created new alliances and divisions among Africans

(v) Colonial rule influenced Africans to adapt to Western values and practices eg new ways of dressing

(vi) Colonial rule promoted the construction of permanent and improved building

(vii) Colonial rule led to the expansion and improvement of transport and communication system

(viii) Improved means of transport and communication promoted interaction between different African communities

johnmulu answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 05:40

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