Describe the political organization of the Agikuyu during the precolonial period
i) The Agikuyu were divided into clans
Each clan was made up of several sub-clans (Mbari) with common descent, and usually living in the same ridge
ii) Each ridge was under a Muthamaki (spokesman)
He was the chairman of the council
Muthamaki emerged due to his personally and leadership potential
iii) Each sub
clan was ruled by a council of elders/kiama
The council performed religious, It, “administrative and judicial roles
iv) There existed two generation sets (Marika) Mwangi and Maina
The council performed religious administrative and judicial roles
v) The warrior class was responsible for defence
A council of war directed them
vi) Other leaders such as the prophets, priests and diviners played important role in the society
vii) Some individuals rose to top positions of political importance in the late 19th Century as a result of exemplary contributions to the society and wealth acquired
johnmulu answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 05:58
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