Due to mismanagement and run-down economies,various sectors of the economy are undeveloped and performing poorly in developing countries.This situation is reflected in "Arrested development"
Lack of public transport
Passengers have to use private cars which charge exorbitant fares.Due to poor transport network,the passengers have to wait for many hours to get a vehicle .The narrator and the other passengers have to wait for three hours to get a vehicle to Beitbridge. The young man at Gwanda says he had to wait for eighteen hours for a minibus to fill up to make the trip to Bulawayo viable.
Illegal trade
The driver is said to be "Malayitsha" that is ,he ferries people and goods across the border illegally.Gloria, despite having dropped from high school,deals in cigarette and is very rich.The money lost by the young man at Gwanda is said to have been able to earn him over twenty million dollars in the black market.This illegal trade denied the country income from customs import taxes.
Officers have to be bribed to offer services-there is no palm that cannot be greased.The driver and Gloria talk of paying border officials,highway police,farmers , magistrates.With all this corruption,not much development can be achieved.
Endless power outages
A narrators friend talks of her expensive imported hair piece always smelling like wood smoke.There is a power blackout at Beitbridge when the narrator arrives.He had to walk into the stray night.Without any power the development of any country can not run.
Dysfunctional filling stations
Vehicle owners have to get petrol from black market.The narrator stands at Max's garage -barely functioning station.
Illegal immigration and brain drain
Zimbabweans have to move to South Africa in search for employment. Those with passports pay a couple of hundred rand while those without pay a couple of thousands of rand for crossing the border illegally.These illegal migrations and drain of experienced workforce stall the development of a country.
In conclusion,it is thus clear that developing countries faced by the above ills are not likely to develop just like the narrator's mother country.For any development to be achieved in such countries,the authorities have to put their feet firmly on the ground in fighting the vice that is likely to draw back the country's development agenda,which is not the case in the country where the story is set hence its arrested development.
marto answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 06:14
- 'In traditional Africa society,women suffer the effects of gender discrimination.'Using illustrations from The River and The Source,validate this statement.(Solved)
'In traditional Africa society,women suffer the effects of gender discrimination.'Using illustrations from The River and The Source,validate this statement.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
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Being a biological mother is only the first step,the real moral challenge is in being motherly. Drawing illustrations from Caucasian Chalk Circle support this statement
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"Some people usually abandon their close family members during hard times for the sake of their own material thirst. Drawing illustrations from the play Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Bretch, write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
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"Mulili is the mastermind of the atrocities that most of the characters in the play."Discuss
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"It is better to have and use resources well than to have and mismanage them" Using illustrations from the play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.Discuss the validity of this statement.
Date posted: October 5, 2017. Answers (1)
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Using Bertolt Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle, for illustrations, show how the theme of determination has been shown
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A teacher plays a central role in a student's life.Making reference to Michael Antony 'Sandra street',write a composition supporting this statement.
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The short story:Ed. Ilieva & Olembo: When the sun goes down and other stories from Africa and Beyond.
The community depicted in this short story is a community in a cultural quagmire.Write an essay in support of this statement,with close reference to Bamboo Hut,by Grace Ogot.
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Abuse of power is the cause of great distress to our governance.Write an essay to illustrate this statement with close reference to the Caucasian Chalk Circle.
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Using Illustrations from Ssegawa's The War of The Ears' Write a composition about dehumanising conditions during war.
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)
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Write an essay entitled 'At the centre of the family sits a woman.'Using Illustrations from the River and the Source.
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"'Twilight Trek 'is a story about lost opportunities."Using this story for your illustrations ,write an essay to justify this statement.
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)
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Write an essay to justify the assertion that greed,materialism and power are powerful motivators of human behavior. Refer closely to the Caucasian Chalk Circle.
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Using Kenyan context, explain why curriculum innovation should be an on-going activity.
Date posted: September 26, 2017. Answers (1)