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Explain six effects of slave trade on the Africans up to 1900


Explain six effects of slave trade on the Africans up to 1900



i) The raids of slaves by traders led to insecurity and fear making people abandon their economic activities

ii) Able bodied people were taken away as slaves in the weak who could not work effectively,

iii) It led to the death of family members denying the family the much needed work force,

iv) Led to loss of skilled labour force Eg Iron smiths,

v) Methods used in acquiring slaves such as burning of houses led to destruction of the environment and human suffering/misery

vi) Slave raids and sale of people led to depopulation

vii) Promoted interaction between African communities eg the Akamba and Agikuyu

viii) Led to the spread and use of Kiswahili in the interior of Kenya

ix) Led to the spread of Islam and Islamic culture

x) Opened up the interior of Kenya for European penetration
johnmulu answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 06:16

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