Describe FIVE factors that influence soil erosion


Describe FIVE factors that influence soil erosion



(i) The amount and intensity of rainfall; Heavy rainfall have more erosive force than light showers
of rain.
(ii) The slope of the land; determines the speed of flowing water
and the greater the speed of water the greater the erosive force
(iii)The type of soil; The ability of water to infiltrate into the soil depends on the type of the soil
e.g. sandy soil is quickly saturated with water hence easily eroded
(iv) Soil depth; Shallow soils become saturated with water very quickly and are easily eroded
(v) Vegetation cover; Bare soil is more exposed to erosive agents than covered soil is well
since the vegetation act as barriers, preventing
direct exposure to agents of erosion
(vi) Deforestation; Clearing the forests exposes soil to agents of erosion
(rainfall/wind/high)and high temperature
(vii) Planting annual crops on steep slopes leads to
frequent cultivation hence exposes soil to erosion
(viii) Indiscriminate burning of the vegetation before cultivation
-Land left exposed to erosive forces of rain and wind (ix) Clean weeding
-Pulverizes the soil making it easy to be eroded/Destroys the soil structure
hence easy to be eroded/soil is less protected against water erosion
(x) Ploughing up/down the slope;creats channels through which
water moves down the slope carrying soil
monica20 answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 06:33

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