Describe FIVE cultural methods for controlling crop weeds


Describe FIVE cultural methods for controlling crop weeds



a) Mulching;-smothers weeds hence preventing their growth.
b) Cover cropping; smothers the weeds
c) Crop rotation; Stops growth of weeds associated with certain crops
e.g. striga grows only in cereals and in sugarcane and not in dicots
d) Timely planting; crops establish early before weeds, thus able to smother weeds.
e) Use of clean seed/planting materials;-prevents introduction of weeds to the farm land.
f) Proper spacing; Create little space for weed growth and forming
a canopy that suppresses weeds
g) Clean seedbed; The crops starts on a clean seedbed so
that they can effectively compete with weeds.
h) Flooding; Discourages the growth of all non-aquatic weeds in rice
monica20 answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 06:34

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