Explain how the following land reforms are carried out: (i) Land consolidation. (ii) Land adjudication and registration.


Explain how the following land reforms are carried out:
(i) Land consolidation.
(ii) Land adjudication and registration.



(i) Land consolidation:
- It is the putting of fragmentation land together under one holding.
- The ownership of individual’s fragments of land is established.
- The land is surveyed/measured to establish the sizes of all the parcels belonging top one
- individual farmers.
- The fragments are put together into one holding/around the biggest or most developed
- parcel.
- The registration of each holding is done at the district land registry.
- Land tittle deed land certification under one holding is licensed.
(ii) Land adjudication and registration.
- Ownership of land within a specific area is established.
- The land is surveyed/measured.
- Detailed maps showing existing boundaries of the land drawn by surveyors.
The land is seconded against individual owners.
- The maps land record or the land are submitted to the district land registry.
- The land is registered.
- Title deeds/land certificate are issued.
monica20 answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 06:52

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