Tradition determine the relationship n individuals and their communities,people and their environment as well as the place and role of individuals in the society.
Amongst the Maori people,leadership roles are a preserve for men.It passes from one male to another male descendant.For this realm,it is always hoped that the first born child of the hair apparent will be a son .Child naming is also determined not just by one's gender but also the role one can be expected to play in society. Koro is really upset when Nani names Kahu after their great ancestor Kahutia-Rangi. To Koro naming a girl after Kahutia shows disrespect.
Nani gets Kahu's birth cord buried in the village to symbolize Kahu's connection with her people.In Nani's view,Kahu belongs to her fathers's people.Tradition and culture are passed down from one generation to the next in instruction sessions.The people have relationship with sea animals.For example, a stranded whale is seen as a gift from gods.They make offering to the sea god when they need help or just in thanks giving,they do not carry food when they go fishing.Fishing is a sacred task.
In the society individuals have specific roles to play. Koro for example is viewed as an old whale which has the role in the pattern of things in the tides of the future.
In conclusion,it is clear that traditions play a very important role in the lives of people,knit them together and teach generations to come ,their culture and practices.
marto answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 07:11
- "We keep our friends close but our enemies even closer".Support this statement using Betrayal in the City as reference.(Solved)
"We keep our friends close but our enemies even closer".Support this statement using Betrayal in the City as reference.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- Using illustrations from Sandisile Tsuma's story,"Arrested development" discuss the various ways in which development in developing countries is likely to be arrested.(Solved)
When the sun Goes Down and Other Stories from Africa and Beyond.Using illustrations from Sandisile Tsuma's story,"Arrested development" discuss the various ways in which development in developing countries is likely to be arrested.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- 'In traditional Africa society,women suffer the effects of gender discrimination.'Using illustrations from The River and The Source,validate this statement.(Solved)
'In traditional Africa society,women suffer the effects of gender discrimination.'Using illustrations from The River and The Source,validate this statement.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- Being a biological mother is only the first step,the real moral challenge is in being motherly.Drawing illustrations from Caucasian Chalk Circle support this statement(Solved)
Being a biological mother is only the first step,the real moral challenge is in being motherly. Drawing illustrations from Caucasian Chalk Circle support this statement
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- A strong household is founded on strong family values.Making reference to Mark Sigu's family in The River and the Source,Write an essay to justify the...(Solved)
A strong household is founded on strong family values.Making reference to Mark Sigu's family in The River and the Source,Write an essay to justify the above.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
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"Some people usually abandon their close family members during hard times for the sake of their own material thirst. Drawing illustrations from the play Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Bretch, write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Mulili is the mastermind of the atrocities that most of the characters in the play."Discuss(Solved)
"Mulili is the mastermind of the atrocities that most of the characters in the play."Discuss
Date posted: October 5, 2017. Answers (1)
- "It is better to have and use resources well than to have and mismanage them" Using illustrations from the play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.Discuss the...(Solved)
"It is better to have and use resources well than to have and mismanage them" Using illustrations from the play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.Discuss the validity of this statement.
Date posted: October 5, 2017. Answers (1)
- Using Bertolt Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle, for illustrations, show how the theme of determination has been shown(Solved)
Using Bertolt Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle, for illustrations, show how the theme of determination has been shown
Date posted: October 5, 2017. Answers (1)
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A teacher plays a central role in a student's life.Making reference to Michael Antony 'Sandra street',write a composition supporting this statement.
Date posted: October 5, 2017. Answers (1)
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What is the use of pauses when making an Oral presentation?
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What two aspects of preparation would you consider before commencing on field work?
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Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give the characteristics and uses of tongue twisters.(Solved)
Give the characteristics and uses of tongue twisters.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- The short story:Ed. Ilieva & Olembo: When the sun goes down and other stories from Africa and Beyond.
The community depicted in this short story is...(Solved)
The short story:Ed. Ilieva & Olembo: When the sun goes down and other stories from Africa and Beyond.
The community depicted in this short story is a community in a cultural quagmire.Write an essay in support of this statement,with close reference to Bamboo Hut,by Grace Ogot.
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- Abuse of power is the cause of great distress to our governance.Write an essay to illustrate this statement with close reference to the Caucasian Chalk...(Solved)
Abuse of power is the cause of great distress to our governance.Write an essay to illustrate this statement with close reference to the Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)
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Using Illustrations from Ssegawa's The War of The Ears' Write a composition about dehumanising conditions during war.
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay entitled 'At the centre of the family sits a woman.'Using Illustrations from the River and the Source.(Solved)
Write an essay entitled 'At the centre of the family sits a woman.'Using Illustrations from the River and the Source.
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- "'Twilight Trek 'is a story about lost opportunities."Using this story for your illustrations ,write an essay to justify this statement.(Solved)
"'Twilight Trek 'is a story about lost opportunities."Using this story for your illustrations ,write an essay to justify this statement.
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write an essay to justify the assertion that greed,materialism and power are powerful motivators of human behavior.Refer closely to the Caucasian Chalk Circle.(Solved)
Write an essay to justify the assertion that greed,materialism and power are powerful motivators of human behavior. Refer closely to the Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)