In the River and the Source,Mark Sigu meets,woos and marries Elizabeth Awiti in the right hand traditionally expected way.They start and develop a strong family that is founded on strong values such as love and discipline among others.
Mark Sigu had the devoted love for his wife and the affection of all his children.He did for Elizabeth that would never have even crossed her mind of a full blooded African man.He knew she was overworked both at home and at school and in spite of the House help they had,he threw a helping hand a round the house-especially in taking the kids off her hands.This bond of love helped the family to remain united in the face of many challenges.
In Mark Sigus house,members are loyal to each other.For instance when Mark Sigu realizes that promiscuity would ruin his marriage,he forcefully dumps the girl and asks for leave to go and bring back his family from Aluor. He tells his mother off when the latter feels he is overprotective to the wive.This is clear demonstration of loyalty helps the two to remain together right into their sunset days.
The sigus have installed a sense of hard work in the family.Mark keeps on studying to get promotion that can have his children live a descent life.Mark felt very lucky about his hardworking children.Vera had seven unbeatable records in school,Becky was not doing bad ,Aoro had maintained a continuous lead in school and Tony followed suit.
Children in their growing up must be brought up with high level of discipline.Mark and Elizabeth were on their children's discipline and they never spared them any time they misbehaved.When Tony and Aoro made their twin drown they were heavily punished. When Aoro is suspended from school,he is denied food and asked to start fending for himself.
A strong family is also built on mutual respect.The parents extend a measure of respect to the children .When Vera wants to go out with Tommy Muhambe she requests for permission from the father.
In conclusion,looking at the Sigu family,one would say that the foundation of a strong family guided by good ethics depends on the husband and wife,how close they are to their children and how they develop acceptable values systems.
marto answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 07:40
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