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With illustrations from Moyez Vassanji's 'leaving',write an essay to show what leads to show what leads individuals to seek education opportunities in foreign countries.


With illustrations from Moyez Vassanji's 'leaving',write an essay to show what leads to show what leads individuals to seek education opportunities in foreign countries.



People from all walks of life leave their countries even towns to other places for others places for a myriad or reasons.These could range from education to security etc.However,various people in the story.'leaving' leave Tanzania to seek education abroad.

Universities abroad offer greater or wider opportunities for learners.For instance the catalogues that Aloo gets offer courses which he has never heard about in the local universities-"genetics,cosmology,artificial intelligence".He reads of people who have been to the moon and is enticed by beautiful facilities that each of the catalogue display. Aloo can only be admitted to pursue a degree in Agriculture.

Aloo is picked and placed in a faculty has no interest in.He had applied for medicine,but is offered a chance to study agriculture.Though he scored all A's the admission official deals him a blow which makes him more determined to go abroad.He has never wanted to be an agricultural officer and has never left the city.Even his mother is softened by the disappointment of Aloo after he resigns himself to studying agriculture and hence allows him to go.

Aloo qualifies for Medicine,but a university admission official is place place him in agriculture.The narrator attributes this to bureaucracy and corruption. Aloo's hope is only to study medicine not agriculture.
marto answered the question on October 11, 2017 at 08:32

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