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'A woman is the driving force in the society.'Prove the validity of this statement basing your argument on the text the River and the Source.


'A woman is the driving force in the society.'Prove the validity of this statement basing your argument on the text the River and the Source.



The driving force in the text the River and the Source is the woman kind.The woman is a source of inspiration,influence and power in the society.This is exhibited in the following ways.

From the moment Akoko is born,she is a big influence in her surrounding. She becomes the focal point of her family.Her father and brothers are stolen by her charm.She changes her father's attitude towards the girl child when he says."A home without a daughter is like a river without a source."Akoko affects her generation.She is a source of inspiration for her daughter Nyabera,her granddaughter Elizabeth and Elizabeth's children notably Aoro. Wandia says that Aoro keeps saying that he is not a great grandson of Akoko for nothing.This is to mean that even after her death,she is still influenced.She allows Nyabera to join Christianity and Peter to become a priest.She is influenced in the lives of the people she interacts with.

Vera takes after her great grandmother.She is an influence .She is so determined to become an electrical engineer and she becomes.She chooses to become celibate and joins the Opus Dei. After Becky's death she takes over her children though they stay with Aoro and Wandia.

Wandia is another source of inspiration for her society.She beats Aoro in an anatomy class and that is the beginning of what they share later in life.She is a source of inspiration for her husband and children.She later becomes a pediatrician. This is because of Daniel's condition.
marto answered the question on October 12, 2017 at 06:50

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