In the text,'Betrayal in the City',by Francis Imbuga. oppression is perpetrated by the government and individuals to innocent citizens.This brings about suffering to the victims of the vice.
The government of Kafira oppresses University students. Adika is short dead in a riot / demonstration against the employment of foreign expatriates.During the funeral students are not allowed to carry the coffin and that the ceremony was not supposed to take more than ten minutes.
The government instills fear among citizens,Beggars do not see the need to protest.Regina has given up the fight on taking her brother Mosese out of jail after Boss tried to rape her.
The government denies innocent citizens their rights. Doga and Nina are disallowed to carry out the shaving ceremony at the grave side of Adika. Mulili does not want to lose the piece of land promised by Boss and therefore,denies them from performing the rite.When they insist on performing,they are both killed. Kabito is denied the milk tender in favor of Mulili,later kabito is killed.
The government eliminates rebel citizens. Kabito is killed in an 'accident'owing to an earlier disagreement with Mulili.Doga and Nina are killed for opposing the government of the day.
marto answered the question on October 12, 2017 at 07:56
- "The River and the Source highlights the virtue of courage."Using Akoko justify this statement.(Solved)
"The River and the Source highlights the virtue of courage."Using Akoko justify this statement.
Date posted: October 12, 2017. Answers (1)
- 'A woman is the driving force in the society.'Prove the validity of this statement basing your argument on the text the River and the Source.(Solved)
'A woman is the driving force in the society.'Prove the validity of this statement basing your argument on the text the River and the Source.
Date posted: October 12, 2017. Answers (1)
- The River and the Source is an exploration of African traditions as was bombarded by irresistible winds of Change.Using the novel for illustrations,write an essay...(Solved)
The River and the Source is an exploration of African traditions as was bombarded by irresistible winds of Change.Using the novel for illustrations,write an essay to show the truth of this statement.
Date posted: October 12, 2017. Answers (1)
- When a nation is led by greedy and corrupt leaders, a nation is bound to have a great downfall. With reference to Francis Imbugas's play...(Solved)
When a nation is lead by greedy and corrupt leaders,a nation is bound to have a great downfall.With reference to Francis Imbugas's play 'Betrayal in the city', justify this statement.
Date posted: October 12, 2017. Answers (1)
- "A peoples tradition is their backbone" Using illustrations from the whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera,write an essay in support of this statement.(Solved)
"A peoples tradition is their backbone" Using illustrations from the whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera,write an essay in support of this statement.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- Fighting justice comes with a price.Discuss the validity of this statement in relation to the play Betrayal in the City.(Solved)
Fighting justice comes with a price.Discuss the validity of this statement in relation to the play Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- Drawing illustrations from Margaret Ogola's the River and the Source,write an essay proving that Akoko is at the centre of the change process in the...(Solved)
Drawing illustrations from Margaret Ogola's the River and the Source,write an essay proving that Akoko is at the centre of the change process in the society of the River and the Source.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- Each and every activity carried out among the Whangara community is carried out in utter sacredness.Discuss the validity of this statement drawing your illustrations from...(Solved)
Each and every activity carried out among the Whangara community is carried out in utter sacredness.Discuss the validity of this statement drawing your illustrations from The Whale Rider.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- A nation led by a bad leader is destined to fall.Drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the City,Justify this statement.(Solved)
A nation led by a bad leader is destined to fall.Drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the City,Justify this statement.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- With illustrations from Moyez Vassanji's 'leaving',write an essay to show what leads to show what leads individuals to seek education opportunities in foreign countries.(Solved)
With illustrations from Moyez Vassanji's 'leaving',write an essay to show what leads to show what leads individuals to seek education opportunities in foreign countries.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- A strong households is founded on strong family value.Making reference to Mark Sigu's family in Margaret Ogola's The River and the Source,write an essay to...(Solved)
A strong households is founded on strong family value.Making reference to Mark Sigu's family in Margaret Ogola's The River and the Source,write an essay to justify this statement.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- Write a composition on the role of tradition giving examples from Witi Ihimaera's .The Whale Rider.(Solved)
Write a composition on the role of tradition giving examples from Witi Ihimaera's .The Whale Rider.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- "We keep our friends close but our enemies even closer".Support this statement using Betrayal in the City as reference.(Solved)
"We keep our friends close but our enemies even closer".Support this statement using Betrayal in the City as reference.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- Using illustrations from Sandisile Tsuma's story,"Arrested development" discuss the various ways in which development in developing countries is likely to be arrested.(Solved)
When the sun Goes Down and Other Stories from Africa and Beyond.Using illustrations from Sandisile Tsuma's story,"Arrested development" discuss the various ways in which development in developing countries is likely to be arrested.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- 'In traditional Africa society,women suffer the effects of gender discrimination.'Using illustrations from The River and The Source,validate this statement.(Solved)
'In traditional Africa society,women suffer the effects of gender discrimination.'Using illustrations from The River and The Source,validate this statement.
Date posted: October 11, 2017. Answers (1)
- Being a biological mother is only the first step,the real moral challenge is in being motherly.Drawing illustrations from Caucasian Chalk Circle support this statement(Solved)
Being a biological mother is only the first step,the real moral challenge is in being motherly. Drawing illustrations from Caucasian Chalk Circle support this statement
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- A strong household is founded on strong family values.Making reference to Mark Sigu's family in The River and the Source,Write an essay to justify the...(Solved)
A strong household is founded on strong family values.Making reference to Mark Sigu's family in The River and the Source,Write an essay to justify the above.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Some people usually abandon their close family members during hard times for the sake of their own material thirst. Drawing illustrations from the play Caucasian...(Solved)
"Some people usually abandon their close family members during hard times for the sake of their own material thirst. Drawing illustrations from the play Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Bretch, write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.
Date posted: October 6, 2017. Answers (1)
- "Mulili is the mastermind of the atrocities that most of the characters in the play."Discuss(Solved)
"Mulili is the mastermind of the atrocities that most of the characters in the play."Discuss
Date posted: October 5, 2017. Answers (1)
- "It is better to have and use resources well than to have and mismanage them" Using illustrations from the play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.Discuss the...(Solved)
"It is better to have and use resources well than to have and mismanage them" Using illustrations from the play the Caucasian Chalk Circle.Discuss the validity of this statement.
Date posted: October 5, 2017. Answers (1)