What are the rights of an accused person?
a) To be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.
b) To be informed of the charges.
c) To have adequate time and facilities to prepare a defence.
d) To a public trial before a court.
e) To have the trial begin and be concluded with few delays.
f) To be present when being tried.
g) To be represented by an advocate and be informed of this right immediately. Depending on
the circumstances, the accused may be assigned an advocate by the state and at the state’s
h) To remain silent and not testify during the proceedings.
i) To be informed in advance, of the evidence the prosecution intends to present, and to have
reasonable access to that evidence.
j) To challenge the evidence.
k) To refuse to give self-incriminating evidence.
l) To have the assistance of an interpreter if the accused person cannot understand the language
used in the trial.
m) If convicted, to appeal, or apply for review by a higher court.
johnmulu answered the question on October 12, 2017 at 11:40
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