- Courts are used to administer justice.
- People are made to fear God which makes them orderly.
- There are customary and religious laws which govern issues related to marriages and land.
- The youth are taught and instructed on the social norms.
- The law offenders are severely punished.
- People are made to fear the community curses and the wrath of their ancestors.
- The rites of passage and kinship ties are upheld to regulate human behavior.
Identify some of the strategies put in place by the government to ensure justice and fairness for all.
- Enacting relevant laws/ legislatives to safeguard from injustice
- Equal distribution of resources to all parts of the country/ citizens
- Educating the citizens about their rights
- Guiding and counseling
- Through rehabilitation
- Stamping out corruption in our community /nation condemning corrupt practice
- Upright/ moral , law enforcement officers
- Establishment of code of conduct for all those serving in various offices
- Punishing wrong doers/ offenders
- Creation of employment /balanced opportunities
- The support of government for human rights activities and implementation of international conventions on human rights
john3 answered the question on October 12, 2017 at 18:52
- Eight reasons why Christians should respect the laws of the country.(Solved)
Eight reasons why Christians should respect the laws of the country.
Date posted: October 12, 2017. Answers (1)
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Reasons why Christians oppose the giving of dowry
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What are the changes that have occurred in the understanding of property ownership in Kenya today
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Date posted: October 12, 2017. Answers (1)