-Facilitate penetration of chemical spray.
-Reduce overbearing/improve quality of produce.
-Facilitate circulation of air through the crop.
-Give the plant required shape e.g coffee.
-Easy farm operations.
-Allow adequate light penetration into centre of the crop.
-Enables economic use of chemical spray.
-Control spread of diseases and pests.
• To remove old, unproductive or diseased, damaged parts of the plant.
• To train plants to take a desirable shape for example formative pruning in tea.
• To control crop leave ratio hence avoiding overbearing.
• To control diseases and pests for example antestia bugs in coffee.
• To facilitate other operations such as spraying, picking and seeding.
• To reduce wastage of chemicals applied on the crop.
monica20 answered the question on October 13, 2017 at 23:01
- Describe the procedure which should be followed in spraying a crop of tomatoes using
fungicide powder, water and knapsack sprayer.(Solved)
Describe the procedure which should be followed in spraying a crop of tomatoes using
fungicide powder, water and knapsack sprayer.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain six ways in which soil loses its fertility.(Solved)
Explain six ways in which soil loses its fertility.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Name the general symptoms of viral infections in crops.(Solved)
Name the general symptoms of viral infections in crops.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Outline the steps farmers follow when planning a farm business.(Solved)
Outline the steps farmers follow when planning a farm business.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- State and explain five factors to consider when choosing the correct seed rates.(Solved)
State and explain five factors to consider when choosing the correct seed rates.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Describe the field production of sorghum under the following sub-headings. (i) Seedbed preparation (ii) Planting (iii) Field management practices.(Solved)
Describe the field production of sorghum under the following sub-headings.
i. Seedbed preparation.
ii. Planting.
iii Field management practices.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Under what conditions is opportunity cost equals to zero?(Solved)
Under what conditions is opportunity cost equals to zero in a farming enterprise?
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- State four reasons for proper drying of grains before storage.(Solved)
State four reasons for proper drying of grains before storage.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Outline four effects of soil organisms which benefit plant growth.(Solved)
Outline four effects of soil organisms which benefit plant growth.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- State the difference between fixed costs and variable costs in farming.(Solved)
State the difference between fixed costs and variable costs in farming.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- State four conditions under which shifting cultivation is practicable.(Solved)
State four conditions under which shifting cultivation is practicable.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- State three methods of water harvesting and conservation techniques.(Solved)
State three methods of water harvesting and conservation techniques.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- State four problems associated with credits as a support service to the farmer.(Solved)
State four problems associated with credits as a support service to the farmer.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- What is integrated pest management as used in pest control?(Solved)
What is integrated pest management as used in pest control?
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give four reasons for conserving forage in a farm.(Solved)
Give four reasons for conserving forage in a farm.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- State four disadvantages of using vegetative materials for planting.(Solved)
State four disadvantages of using vegetative materials for planting.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- List two biotic macro organisms that influence agriculture.(Solved)
List two biotic macro organisms that influence agriculture.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between contact herbicides and translocated herbicides.(Solved)
Differentiate between contact herbicides and translocated herbicides.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give three reasons for preparing a seedbed.(Solved)
Give three reasons for preparing a seedbed.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)
- Outline four importance of mulching in crop production.(Solved)
Outline four importance of mulching in crop production.
Date posted: October 13, 2017. Answers (1)