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Explain why the central powers were defeated during first world war


Explain why the central powers were defeated during first world war



The allied powers had more man power

The allies had better industrial and financial resources

The Allies had powerful weapon

Unity among the allied powers under general

Six reasons why the central powers were defeated in the First World War

- The allied powers had more states supporting them
- Allied powers had more financial and industrial resources for the war
- The sea fire power of the allied forces enabled them to isolate and blockade trade and communication between the central powers and the outsides world
- The entry of the USA into the war tipped the victory in favour of allied powers
- Invasion of neutral against Belgium by Germany increased hatred against central powers
- Central powers were located in the centre of Europe and therefore easy to surround and isolate
- The allied powers had able leaders who were able to organize and mobilize war contra-band and troops
- Mutinies in Germany army weakened its strengths
johnmulu answered the question on October 14, 2017 at 07:06

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