Describe the rearing of lambs from lambing up to weaning time.


Describe the rearing of lambs from lambing up to weaning time.



-Supervise lambing ad assist when need be.
-Allow mother to lick the lamb.
-Incase of retained placenta, exercise the ewe to encourage expulsion.
-Cut and disinfect umbilical cord.
-Ensure the lamb is breathing well and if not apply artificial respiration.
-Ensure lamb sucks colostrums in 1-6 hours of life.
-Give milk for 4-6 weeks.
-Orphaned lambs to be given artificial colostrums or foster mother.
-Give succulent/soft herbage/concentrate at 6 weeks old.
-Gradually change the feeds at 4-6 weeks.
-Give adlib clean water.
-Control external parasites.
-Treat sick lambs.
-Vaccinate against diseases.
-Trim hoofs.
-Keep records.
-Weigh lamb at birth and record the weight.
-Identify the lambs.
gideon1 answered the question on October 14, 2017 at 09:31

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