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Narrate the incident when Jesus cured the man with a withered hand (Lk 6:6 -11).


Narrate the incident when Jesus cured the man with a withered hand (Lk 6:6 -11).



-On a Sabbath day, Jesus was teaching in the synagogue and there was a man whose right hand
was withered.
-The scribes and Pharisees were there to see whether He would heal on the Sabbath so as to find
-Jesus knew their thought and called the man with withered hand to come out.
-Jesus asked them whether it was lawful to do good and to do harm/to save life or to destroy it.
-He asked the man to stretch his hand.
-Immediately the hand was restored. The scribes and Pharisees were filled with fury.
-They plotted/discussed what they might do to Jesus.


Narrate the healing of the man with a withered hand. Lk 6: 6 -11.

i. On another Sabbath, Jesus entered a synagogue and taught.
ii. And a man was there whose right hand was withered/paralyzed.
iii. The Pharisees watched Jesus to see whether He would heal him on a Sabbath day/save life or destroy it.
iv. Jesus knew their thoughts.
v. He told the man to come / He rose/stood.
vi. Jesus asked them if it was lawful on a Sabbath to do good or harm/ to save life or destroy it.
vii. He looked around / told the man to stretch out his hand/the hand was restored.
viii. The Pharisees were filled with fury / started to plan what to do with Jesus.
monica20 answered the question on October 14, 2017 at 10:38

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