Explain the steps followed in dairy planning.


Explain the steps followed in dairy planning.



Step 1:Survey of local conditions
One should gather all the relevant information from secondary sources such as survey reports, livestock census,if there is any experimental station, information regarding various types of livestock and other inputs should be studied carefully to acquaint oneself with the practices of the region

Step 2:Inventory of the resources
The main resources, which affect returns from the dairy enterprise are Kandy, water, labour, working capital,machinery and equipment, farm and livestock and managerial ability

Step 3:Selection of Expected Prices
The planning process involves estimating the future. Hence the prices which are used in planning must be based on expectations of future

Step 4:Determination of the most profitable Farming (Animal+crop)system

Step 5:Selecting most profitable cropping system
It's important to know the cost and returns of the important crops grown in the region for fodder and feeds to know the best method to used in cropping

Step 6:Estimating new capital requirements
Even with the existing techno, the income of the farmer is less than it can be achieved by providing additional capital to meet the requirements of good quality inputs

Step 7:Compare the new plan and the old plan
It necessary so as to decide whether one should follow new plan or continue with the old plan
Wincate 1 answered the question on October 15, 2017 at 08:28

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