Explain how you you would make a good silage.


Explain how you would make a good silage.



I) The crop should contain an adequate level of sugars and starch for acid fermentation like maize

II) The crop should have high moisture content. Best results are obtained when the dry matter content is between 30 per cent and 36 per cent

III) Exclude air from silage.Whenbtje crop is filled inside the silo, air is trapped inside the meshes of the forage. Oxidation of sugars takes place with generation of heat

IV) Seal the silo as soon as filling is finished.The seal prevents exposure to air and other elements, thus keeping the fermented silage stable

V) Wilting is a controversial aspect in silage making. Excellent silage can be made from crops with higher moisture content provided enough sugars are present for producing enough acidity

VI) Additives. If the crop is having the required concentration of sugars and dry matter, additives are not necessary,otherwise ,many ways of chemically preserving silage or correcting fermentative process by adding substances called afditives
Wincate 1 answered the question on October 15, 2017 at 09:24

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