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Factors that may hinder Christians from helping the needy in society


Factors that may hinder Christians from helping the needy in society



? There are too many needy cases in the society /cannot be able to handle all the cases
? denominational differences where some do not help other denominations
? greed which make some Christians not to share their wealth with others
? ethnicity /tribalism hinder some Christians from reaching out to those in need if they belong to other tribes
? Some Christians are ignorant. They do not know how to handle needy cases
? poverty move Christians lack resources which hinder them from helping the needy

- Having too many needy cases.
- Lack of experts to help in specialized areas.
- Tribal, ethicnic feelings.
- Political influences, since some Christians belong to some political parties.
- Poor communication/language barriers.
- Poor infrastructure in some parts of the country.
- Economic demand, some Christians have nothing to give the needy.
- Some Christians are too attached to their material wealth, such that they are too selfish to share.
- Bribery and corruption that is affecting the society.
- Denominational factors where Christians only help those whom they share same denomination with.
- Lack of strategies and procedures on how to help the needy.
- Lack of awareness by some Christians on alms giving
john3 answered the question on October 15, 2017 at 16:35

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