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State the Christian teachings on human sexuality.


State the Christian teachings on human sexuality.



a) Like in African societies, sex in Christianity is holy and sacred because it is God-given.

(b) Human sexuality originates from the Biblical story of creation when God created
man in his own image.

(c) Christian teachings show that men and women are equal before God. They have a common destiny in the Kingdom of God.

(d) Sex is mainly meant for procreation which is fulfilled in marriage. God allowed man to multiply an subdue the earth (Gen 1:28)

(e) Both men and women have complementary roles which neither of the two. Can fulfil on its own. For example, in childbearing, the two need each other.

(f) Both the new and old testament emphasizes responsible sexual behaviour.

(g) In the Old Testament, the law of Moses stipulates regulations of sex whereby incest, sodomy etc were forbidden. Those who committed adultery were to be stoned to death.

(h) In the New Testament, Jesus forbade adultery by forbidding to look at a woman with lustful eyes.
(i) St. Paul in the New Testament forbids both pre-marital and extramarital sex. He teaches that the body is the Temple of God and so the body should not be for immoral practices.

(j) Christianity values virginity by teaching the youth to abstain until marriage,

(k) Christians have the; capacity to exercise self-control in order to save it for its main function which is fulfilled in marriage.


i. God created both male and female.
ii. Sexuality leads to procreation.
iii. Sex is a sacred gift from God.
iv. God created male and female to compliment each other.
v. The union of male and female is consummated in marriage.
vi. Sexuality is for mutual companionship.
vii. Sexual diversion is condemned e.g. homosexuality.
viii. The body is the temple of God.
ix. One can give up marriage to serve God.

Christian teaching on human sexuality
(i) God created both male and female
(ii) Male and female complement each other
(iii) Male and female have distinctive role in creation
(iv) Both share the image of God
(v) The union of male and female is consummated in marriage
(vi) Male and female should live in harmony / should respect each other
(vii) Procreate/ fulfill God’s command to multiply
(viii) Sexual deviation is condemned ( homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, adultery, sodomy, e.t.c
(ix) Male and female should respect each other in regard each to his ability
(x) Sex is sacred
gideon1 answered the question on October 16, 2017 at 07:35

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