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Explain effects of Agrarian Revolution in Western Europe.


Explain effects of Agrarian Revolution in Western Europe.



i) Increased food production due to improved methods of farming

(ii) Population increased due to abundant food supply.

(iii) Diversification of agriculture e.g new crops and animals were introduced.

(iv) Development of plantation farming in favor of subsistence farming.

(v) Increased food production due to improved methods of farming.

(vi) Large scale farms encouraged rich landlords to buy off poor farmers creating
a class of landless people.

(vii) Provision of raw materials led to expansion of industries.

(viii) Development of local and international trade.

(ix) Improved transport systems e.g. better roads and railways

(x) Enhanced research and scientific inventions.

(xi) Displacement of the poor led to rural urban migration.

(xii)Farm mechanization led to redundancy of manual workers.


Explain the impact of the Agrarian revolution in Europe

i) The use of new and improved farming methods led to the high yields, leading to the security

ii) Introduction of new crops such as wheat, beans and maize, turnips, clove led to the diversification of agriculture

iii) Establishment of large - scale farms and plantations farming replaced subsistence farming,

iv) Agricultural research finding led to the development of exotic livestock breeds and better quality crops

v) Production of sufficient food led to improved standards of living and high life expectancy,

vi) Abundance of food led to increase in population,

vii) Mechanization of farming methods led to the redundancy of manual worker/unemployment

viii) Establishment of large farms encouraged the rich landlords to buy off poor farmers' land – thus creating a class of landless people/some became hired labourers on the farms,

ix) Displacement of the poor led to rural - urban migration

x) The price of land went up

xi) Provided industries with raw materials Eg wool and labour which led to growth of industries

xii) Those who could migrate to abroad Eg Canada, USA, South Asia Stages,

xiii) Improvement of transport network eg roads, railways etc

xiv) Led to expansion of trade
lydiajane74 answered the question on October 16, 2017 at 08:09

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